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The Most Commonly-Searched Personal Injury Law Questions

What are the most common questions about personal injury law that people search for on Google? We looked up the answers using an online tool called ahrefs, which estimates the number of times different questions are Googled every month in the United States. All of the answers come from our knowledge and experience of personal… Read More »

Breakdown: COVID-19, Personal Injury Law, and the Hudson Valley

COVID-19 has affected every aspect of daily life for people in the Hudson Valley, and personal injury law is no exception. Today, we’re going to go over some of the ways it affects existing personal injury cases and potential new unrelated cases, as well as the prospect of a surge of coronavirus lawsuits in the… Read More »

FDA Says to Dispose of Your Zantac

Lost in the COVID-19 news is a less common but important matter for acid indigestion sufferers: the cancer-linked impurities that have been found in Zantac and other ranitidine-based over the counter drugs. The latest news is that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is ordering that manufacturers pull all involved products from the shelves, and… Read More »

7 Kingston NY Crosswalks Being Improved to Reduce Personal Injury Accidents

Last year, the Daily Freeman reported that the City of Kingston is implementing a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan to improve over a dozen local intersections’ crosswalks. The improvements include the installation of curb ramps, “high visibility” crosswalks, and pedestrian signal updates, with the stated goal of reducing the number of vehicle-pedestrian accidents at those locations.… Read More »

“Hundreds and hundreds of thousands” of lawsuits expected against Zantac

Last fall, the FDA began an investigation and announced recalls of certain drugs containing ranitidine, the most popular of which was Zantac. Laboratory tests have revealed a clear link between Zantac users and various kinds of cancer forming most commonly in the digestive tract. If you are a former Zantac patient who has been diagnosed… Read More »

Wrongful Death Auto Accidents in Ulster and Dutchess County

Driving is dangerous: according to national statistics, traffic accidents are usually in the top ten of the most common causes of death. On top of that, compared to other regions of the state, the Hudson Valley is a very dangerous place to drive, due to long average commute times and crowded roads. We’ve covered tips… Read More »

6 Facts About Distracted Driving and How to Prove It in Personal Injury Cases

As we wrote in a previous blog post, distracted driving is one of the leading causes of personal injury accidents in the Hudson Valley. This trend is also true nationwide; there are 1,000 accidents a day that involve a distracted driver, and distracted driving killed over 3,400 people in 2016 alone. The National Safety Council… Read More »

What to do after a slip and fall accident

Property owners have a duty to maintain their property in a reasonably safe condition. This applies to both people’s homes, as well as commercial establishments and parking lots. If someone is injured due to a dangerous condition existing on the property, this may constitute negligence on the part of the property owner or caretaker, or… Read More »

Not All Sports Personal Injuries are Accidents; How to Determine Liability

One of the most common ways that people get injured is while participating in sports, either competitively or recreationally. Most sports injuries happen by accident; there truly is no one to blame or to be held liable. There is an “assumption of risk” that is taken when people participate in sports, and participants may be… Read More »

Mainetti & Mainetti, P.C. Honored by Legal Services of the Hudson Valley

Every year, Legal Services of the Hudson Valley’s Kingston location handles over a thousand cases every year alone, free of charge, for those who cannot afford an attorney when their basic needs are at stake. This November, they held their 3rd Annual Partners in Justice Reception, where they honored our firm as a “Champion of… Read More »