If you’re suffering from the aftermath of a neck or back injury, read on.
You deserve to be compensated for your losses by the party that was responsible for the accident that caused your injury. The severity of neck and back injuries can vary from temporary symptoms that can cause lost wages and short-term medical expenses, to lifelong disabilities that require the need of 24/7 assistance.
Whiplash and Neck Injuries
According to national statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 120,000 people require medical care for whiplash every year, most commonly caused by motor vehicle accidents and rear-end collisions. There are also a significant number of whiplash victims who sustain an injury while playing contact sports, or in an act of physical violence by another.
While it’s possible to heal from whiplash in a matter of months, it’s also possible to suffer for several more months or even years, while developing chronic pain that requires heavy-duty pain medication. Between the initial treatment, physical therapy, prescriptions, and lost wages at work, it’s possible to ring up a massive amount of expenses while recovering from whiplash. If another party was responsible for the accident that caused you or a loved one to suffer from whiplash, you deserve to be compensated. Call us now at 845-600-0000 to schedule a free consultation.
We are Hudson Valley Injury Lawyers Who Get Results
Almost a million Americans suffer back injuries from heavy lifting or falls at work every year; not to mention hundreds of thousands more from car accidents, sports injuries, and physical assault. A back injury can result in bulging, slipped, ruptured or herniated disks, fractured vertebrae, or even a spinal cord injury. According to global statistics, back pain is the most common worldwide reason for missed work and disability, and the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office.
No matter how you suffered your back injury, time is of the essence. In addition to showing that the fiduciary cost of your injury, it needs to be proven that another party breached their duty to keep you safe, and that they caused you a serious injury. Our experienced legal team will comb through accident photos, accounts from witnesses, medical records and billing statements, paperwork from your job, and any police accident reports from the initial accident to make the strongest possible case. Contact us now at 845-600-6000 to schedule a free consultation.

Contact us at 1-845-600-0000 to talk about your case right away.
We’ll discuss your legal options and schedule a free consultation at our offices conveniently located in Kingston or Poughkeepsie.