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What Caused Motorcycle Crashes in Poughkeepsie, Fishkill and Wappinger, NY in 2024?

According to state statistics, there are 18,769 registered motorcyclists in Dutchess County, NY, and in 2024, preliminary police-reported statistics report that 53 of them were injured in motorcycle crashes, and four were involved in fatal crashes. In this blog post, we’re going to dive deeper into what the actual causes of these crashes are, and include information about how motorcyclists can protect themselves from danger.

If you’ve gotten in a motorcycle crash near Poughkeepsie, Fishkill, Hyde Park, Rhinebeck, and other places in Dutchess County, we’re here to help. The most important thing to keep in mind is that motorcyclists are NOT covered under New York’s “no fault” laws; meaning that your insurance does not have an obligation to pay for your losses resulting from a motorcycle crash. However, with our help, you can be reimbursed for lost wages, medical expenses and other losses by bringing a lawsuit against the responsible party’s insurance company.

Hurt on a bike? Call Alex and Mike at Mainetti & Mainetti, P.C., and set up a free motorcycle personal injury consultation at our convenient Poughkeepsie, NY office.

1. Unsafe Speed – 18 Crashes

Unsafe speeds contributed to 16 Dutchess County motorcycle injuries, and two fatalities.

To reduce risk, follow the posted speed limits and adjust for road, traffic and weather conditions. By maintaining a safe following distance, you can ensure a longer reaction time.

2. Passing/Lane Changing/Improper Use – 13 Crashes

There were 13 personal injuries caused by Passing/Lane Changing/Improper Use in Dutchess County, and one fatality.

Always ride predictably and stay aware of your surroundings. When passing, do so quickly but safely, ensuring there’s enough space before you merge back. Stay in the correct lane unless passing, and never ride on the shoulder or between moving vehicles (unless it’s legally allowed).

3. Failure to Yield Right-of-Way – 8 Crashes

There were eight personal injury crashes caused by Failure to Yield Right-of-Way in Dutchess County in 2024, and one fatality.

Riding defensively and anticipating driver mistakes is key to preventing this kind of crash. Always scan intersections carefully, even if you have right-of-way, and be prepared for vehicles not signaling and making a left turn in front of you. By using headlights, bright gear, and strategically positioning yourself, you can increase your visibility to drivers.

4. Driver Inexperience – 7 Crashes

Seven motorcyclists in Dutchess County had personal injuries resulting from what police records deemed “Driver Inexperience.”

To reduce risk, motorcyclists should always drive defensively and anticipate unpredictable behaviors. The most common things that new drivers do poorly is judging distances, checking blind spots, and hesitating at intersections, so assume that all drivers may do that. Avoid lingering in blind spots, and maintain a safe following distance to allow for the unexpected.

5. Driver Inattention/Distraction – 6 Crashes

Six motorcyclists in Dutchess County suffered personal injuries resulting from Driver Inattention/Distraction.

To be safe on the road, motorcyclists should assume that drivers are distracted by phones, passengers and other factors; look out for things like cars drifting, delayed reactions, and erratic lane changes. At intersections, be extra cautious, as a distracted driver may fail to notice a motorcycle.

7. Following Too Closely – 5 Crashes

In Dutchess County in 2024, five personal injury motorcycle crashes were caused by “Following Too Closely.”

To reduce your risk of an accident, maintain a safe-following distance by using the 2-4 second rule, keeping enough space between you and the vehicle ahead. If another vehicle is following you too closely, gradually create space by adjusting your speed or changing lanes.

8. Animal’s Action – 4 Crashes

Four personal injury motorcycle crashes in Dutchess County were caused by “Animal’s Action” in 2024.

To reduce your risk, stay alert in high-risk areas like rural roads, wooded areas and near water sources. Drive slower around dawn and dusk, when animals like deer are most active. If an animal appears in your path, avoid swerving suddenly; instead, slow down gradually, cover your brakes, and prepare for evasive action.